Drug & Alcohol Services
Drug & Alcohol Services in Borders:
There are three ADP commissioned drug and alcohol services in the Scottish Borders: Borders Addiction Service; We Are With You and CHIMES. These services provide a range of harm reduction, treatment and psychological interventions, as well as wider support including employment, housing and family members support. For more information on local services click here
NEW - Drug & Alcohol Treatment & Recovery Information Leaflet
Common Drug Names – New Resource
Please see and share our new resource at the link below.
Drugs A to Z: A guide to common drug names in Scotland - Publications - Public Health Scotland
The A-Z was initially created for emergency service call handlers to appropriately identify, categorise and coordinate the response to emergency call outs involving drugs. It is a useful resource for anyone working in the drugs field or wider sectors such as primary care, social work or education.
Scotland’s Drugs Early Warning System:
Public Health Scotland have recently launched Scotland’s first drugs early warning system which provides a structured way to collect, assess and vailidate information about drugs to allow for rapid and targeted deployment of interventions and prevent and reduce drug related harms. Please see here www.publichealthscotland.scot/RADAR for more information about the system and to sign up to the network please click here https://surveys.publichealthscotland.scot/924553
Injecting Equipment Provision Guidelines
New Good Practice Guidelines were launched last year and replace the previous guidelines issued 10 years ago. These guidelines reflect the changes in legislation, policies and practices and the language has been changed to reflect person centred approach – people who inject drugs (not injecting drug users). The aims of the guidelines are to provide good practice, improve access of equipment, partnership working, person centred approach and practical evidenced based interventions. The guidelines provide information on
- Implementing IEP
- Models of delivery
- Equipment
- Training
Injecting Equipment Provision - Good Practice Guiidelines
Medication Assisted Treatment Standards
New standards for services providing medication assisted treatment (MAT) came into force in April 2022 and are being implemented across the country. For more information on the Standards click here MAT Standards.
NEO is the system that captures injecting equipment provision transactions and can also provider news alerts. If you provide injecting equipment you should log all transactions on NEO. If you have forgotten your password or log in details or to register a new member please contact ADP.borders@borders.scot.nhs.uk
Guidance for entering transaction to NEO.
Testing for Blood Borne Viruses (BBVs)
NHS Borders Addiction Service and We Are With You both provide dry blood spot testing for BBVs. Anyone accessing opiate substitute treatment or injecting equipment provision can be signposted to either of these services.
Training on Blood Borne Viruses
Hepatitis B in Scotland – SDF E-Learning
Hepatitis C and New Treatments – SDF E-Learning
Wound Care Guide
An introduction to recognising and assessing common wounds and injecting injuries in people who inject drugs. National Wound Care Guide
Scottish Drugs Forum have made changes to the How Are Your Sites e-learning which will hopefully enhance user experience using simplified language and updated visuals, with the aim of making it more accessible for frontline workers.
Resources are available from Bacterial Infection & Drug Use – SDF – Scottish Drugs Forum.
There is a basic Wound Advice for workers leaflet adding to the other resources, and this week a poster for people using drugs will join these too. These should be all read alongside the National Wound Care Guide also as it is a comprehensive resource.