Community Pharmacy Activity Data

NHS Borders receives community pharmacy activity data from 2 sources: 

  • Monthly data from NHS Public Health Scotland that includes activity data for Pharmacy First, Community Pharmacy Urgent Supply, Emergency Hormonal Contraception Supply, Gluten Free Food Service and Smoking Cessation Service
  • Quarterly data from NHS National Services Scotland that includes activity data for Pharmacy First, Acute Medication Service and, Medicines: Care and Review

There are examples below of the data that is analysed from both data sets. This data can be used to examine clinical practice and business activity and allows for comparisons between community pharmacies. If you would like further information or to be able to review your community pharmacy activity in more detail, please contact:

NHS Public Health Scotland activity data

NHS Borders has manipulated Universal Claim Form (UCF) data to allow comparison between Health Boards and compare activity of community pharmacies with NHSB.

There are no patient list sizes for Health Boards and community pharmacies for pharmacy activity. To make a comparison between Health Boards we have used patient population data and for community pharmacies we have used the Health Board average.

The data is difficult to interpret as it is new and pharmacies are very different in size and workload but it will allow for monitoring of trends as more data becomes available. The data is produced monthly.

Please click on the link below the charts to show the anonymised individual pharmacy data for months to most recent available data. If you would like to be able to identify your pharmacy activity data, please contact:


NHS Borders UCF Activity Data year to-date

UCF activity data to April 2024


NHS National Services Scotland activity data

The graphs below provide examples of the types of data produced and analysed.If you would like data specific to your pharmacy, please contact:

Pharmacy First Scotland (PFS) data is produced to display:

  • PFS base and activity payments
  • Activity type per service
  • GIC and average costs
  • Items >£20 per item





Acute Medication Service data is produced to display:

  • paid items, gross ingredient costs and, average costs
  • items costing >£1000 (GIC)

Data for Q3 – 2021-22
Average cost per item

Medicine: Care and Review data is used to display:

  • patient registration levels
  • paid items, gross ingredient costs and average costs
  • patients registered and size of patient treatment activity

Q3 2021-23