Physiotherapy pre-registration degree programmes are delivered across the UK at undergraduate and postgraduate masters levels, with programmes combining both practical placements and academic study.

All programmes will leave you eligible to apply for registration with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP).  You will require to be registered with both professional bodies to be able to work and practice as a Physiotherapist in the UK.

NHS Borders currently have Practice Placement Agreements (PPA's) with the following Scottish Universities to take Physiotherapy students:-


A minimum of 1000 hours is spent on practice placements.  Placements may vary in length and cover a range of different practice areas.

All students are expected to comply with the HCPC "Standards of Conduct, Performance & Ethics" (2016) and the CSP Code of Professional Values and Behaviour.

Placement specific information

The Scottish Borders region covers a wide geographical area and includes one large acute hospital, the Borders General Hospital , and a number of community hospitals and health centres.

There are a number of specialities for student placements, these include:-

All students will have already been advised from University which speciality they have been assigned to for their forthcoming placement.

Pre Reading

It would be beneficial for all Physiotherapy students to be familiar with the following NHS Borders policies, prior to arrival on placement:-

  1. Hand hygiene   
  2. Uniform policy
  3. Completion of Health Records Policy.  
  4. Confidentiality