Meeting Sensory Needs at School 



Occupational Therapists have been studying and treating sensory integration for many years using both remedial and compensatory strategies to treat people. (Bodison & Parham, 2018). Additionally, practice standards state that as an occupational therapy practitioner, we may intervene within the dimensions of the person, their environment and in the occupation itself. A person’s environment might be physical, social, societal, cultural, economic and/or attitudinal (RCOT).

Education Mini Series 

Before watching the Education mini series, please watch our What is Sensory Integration? video mini series. This will provide you with an explanation of sensory integration, and self-regulation as well as demonstrate activities to support arousal levels. Some of these activities can also be used in classrooms.

The education mini series will provide you with an opportunity to notice when your pupil responds differently to sensory input, understand how it may impact on their behaviours and ability to effectively perform in school. 

From watching this video, we aim : -

  • To increase your confidence in recognising and meeting your pupils' sensory needs
  • Provide ideas for strategies and equipment that can be used in a classroom
  • Provide you with an individual problem-solving tool that can be used when considering a problem
  • Look at the school environment from a sensory perspective
  • Provide information on general principles and strategies which could support a whole school
  • Provide ideas on how to set up a sensory smart classroom
  • Provide some resources/equipment ideas that can be used in a classroom
  • Provide you with further useful reading and resources

Click on the link below to access the Education Mini Series:

Education Mini Series

The transcripts of the Mini Series are available to download:

Meeting Children's Sensory Needs - Education Staff 
The School Environment


How you can help

Feel Good Box
Heavy Work Activities
Tactile System
Hand Warm Up
Move "n" Sit Cushion - How To Video 
Equipment List
Weighted Equipment Guidance
Ear Defender Guidance


Further Resources 

Audit Tool
Sensory Circuits