It is not always cost-effective or practical for an authority to securely destroy records in-house. Many authorities engage a contractor to destroy records and ensure the process is supervised and documented
The Board has procedures for managing the confidential destruction of expired records in all formats, in a way that is auditable and irreversible.
The Records Management Policy states in Section 1.2 that a record is recorded information in paper OR electronic format. Managers are responsible for having operational procedures within their department to manage electronic records in accordance with the Policy.
Electronic records previously held on NHS Borders' network can be retrieved for up to one year following deletion, via the network backup tapes.
Procedures are in place with RSS and PHS for the disposal of paper records. RSS is used for secure off site storage of medical notes. When these records reach the end of the retention period RSS arrange to have them shredded by their contracted third party provider, Highlander. RSS are also contracted to collect clinical notes that are stored at NHS Borders premises and have reached the end of their retention period. These are removed to the RSS facility for shredding, again by Highlander.
PHS is used for all other corporate records that require secure disposal.
Procedures are in place with CCL (North) Ltd for the destruction of IT equipment
As of end June 2018, the 'Recycle Bin' on local drives is to be 'emptied' remotely each week to ensure confidentiality and compliance with legislation. These records are not recoverable. An email will be sent to all staff as part of a communication strategy for this change.
Also as of end June 2018, the 'Deleted Items' folder on Outlook email accounts is to be 'emptied' remotely each week to ensure confidentiality and compliance with legislation. These records are not recoverable. An email will be sent to all staff as part of a communication strategy for this change.