A business classification scheme describes what business activities the authority undertakes - whether alone or in partnership
NHS Borders has developed a Business Classification Scheme (the Scheme), based on the NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) template. The Scheme covers all functions of the Board and has been arranged into functions, activities and transactions. The Scheme includes reference to the business areas currently responsible for delivering these functions.
Further development of the Scheme will include relevant retention and disposal arrangements, therefore including the Retention & Disposal Schedule. The overall Scheme when complete will include the following information:
- function;
- activity;
- transaction (type of record / information);
- retention & disposal information;
- vital records / location of original and working copy;
- access rights; and
- responsible Service
All Board Directors have provided their assurance that the Scheme, once fully developed and rolled-out corporately, will be implemented throughout their directorate.
NHS Borders IM&T will work with the records management programme to produce a directory structure for all file servers across the Board based on the Scheme. Work is ongoing in relation to the development of relevant file naming conventions.
Guidance on the Scheme for managing paper and electronic records, including a Naming Convention and Version Control policy, will be produced and circulated prior to the Scheme being implemented corporately. Training on this will also be included as part of the work stream to improve on all records' audit trails. Organisation wide consultation of the records naming convention is in the first phase of the implementation of this RMP and will be undertaken during 2016.
Fully populating the Business Classification Scheme is considered a long term item and will take several years to complete. All progress and updates will be recorded and maintained in the Business Classification spreadsheet which will be the master document for this element of the RMP. Any changes to the structure of the organisation will be reflected in that document.