Talking about health
Talking to people about their health and wellbeing alongside their medical care, supports our aim to provide high quality, safe and effective patient centred care.
Engaging and supporting our staff to have these conversations on a regular basis is one of the key aims of the 'Small Changes, Big Difference' campaign.
As healthcare professionals we all have a responsibility to promote health and wellbeing.
Our aim at NHS Borders is to make health promoting conversations part of our everyday interactions with patients. In a time pressured working environment this can be challenging. However, by starting with small changes to our practice it will make a difference to the patient experience. The more we do this collectively the bigger the difference.
Even a 1 minute conversation is a good start. You can introduce health improvement by asking your patients about their health and what matters to them.
Once you have opened up the conversation you can refer your patients to a range of services for further support, including the Wellbeing Service. Or you can continue with a brief intervention.
Helping patients thrive in the presence of ill health requires a shift in the way clinicians work with them. It means moving away from a paternalistic and dependent consultation model of ‘fixing’ to one that is empowering and where responsibility is shared with patients and their carers.
Health coaching is a different way of relating to, and talking with, patients. It is patient-centred and supports self-management and behaviour change. This consultation style can increase patient activation, confidence, compliance and healthy behaviours.
If you want to find out more go to the training page.