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Play your part

There are many ways to play a part. You can pledge a small change, join the conversation on our social media sites, tell us about a small change that made a big difference to your health and wellbeing or your working practice. Complete the 'Get Involved enquiry' form opposite.Or you can post your story on facebook@smallchangesnow or on Twitter@smallchangesnow 

If you or your team have an example of good practice demonstrating that health promoting conversations are taking place with patients, please send it using the 'Get Involved' enquiry form. Complete the 'Get Involved' enquiry form. if your work area or team is interested in taking part and being part of the 'Small Changes, Big Difference' campaign. 

Suggestion box

If you have innovative ideas that could be tested out at work, suggestions for improvement or case studies of effective work in practice, please let us know. Click here to complete the suggestion form.

Taking part

Read about some of our inspiring stories...... 

Lifestyle challenge winners

Pat and Anne have been voted overall winners of the NHS Borders, Lifestyle Challenge. Read more about their inspiring stories below.  All participants in the ‘challenge’ had a vote and although there were just 2 overall winners, many participants made changes to improve their health and wellbeing. Thank you and congratulations to you all.   

Lifeastyle challenge winners 2015

Cardiac Nurse Specialists keep talking about improving health

The specialist cardiac nursing team, based at Borders General Hospital, are improving their patient consultations by taking every opportunity to talk to their patients about their health and wellbeing.

They are raising awareness of our guide for patients called, 'Talking about your health and wellbeing' as well as talking about lifestyle change. Patients who are ready to change are referred to the Lifestyle Adviser Support Service (LASS). 

 Cardiac nurse team

Podiatry team pledge to make a difference to patient consultations

The Podiatry team at Borders General Hospital are pledging to enhance their patient consultations by ensuring they take every opportunity to talk to their patients about their health and wellbeing.

They will start their journey with some training on health behaviour change to help them raise the issue of lifestyle change and give brief advice. NHS Borders’ own Lifestyle Adviser Support Service, known as LASS, will support the Podiatry team to ask appropriate questions. They are also providing a referral pathway so patients requiring further support can access this through LASS, our Healthy Living Network and communities across the Borders. 

You can find out more here over the coming months, as well as hearing what patient’s think about the consultations. 

Podiatry team

Lifestyle Challenge


Judie signed up to the ‘Small Changes, Big Difference’ challenge to loose weight and get fitter.  After breaking her leg over 4 years ago, exercise seemed to go by the wayside and she gained weight.

She joined the challenge to gain support and motivation from a group of people who all wanted to lead a healthier lifestyle

Judie initially focussed on loosing weight and then she started jogging with a friend, playing hockey and squash. She’s lost 9lbs in weight; she’s fitter and feels healthier.

Sandi Haines

Sandi joined the challenge to make small changes in her lifestyle but mainly to ‘lead by example’ when giving her patients lifestyle advice following a stroke. I wanted to spread the message, “if I can do it; you can do it”.

I hadn’t made time for exercise and didn’t give pay much attention to what I was eating. "Now I walk everywhere I can and have slotted exercise into my daily routine. I go for an early morning power-walk before my working day begins," says Sandi.

“With support from a lifestyle adviser, I have made positive sustainable changes in my lifestyle that are making a difference to my wellbeing. And I am sharing my story with my patients; helping them to rehabilitate after their strokes.”   

Sandi Haines 

Pamela gets walking with help from a small friend

Pamela signed up for the lifestyle challenge to lose weight, increase her energy levels and feel more postive. She recently got a dog which is a great companion and walking partner. Pamela has lost some weight, walks regularly and tracks her steps with a pedometer.

Pamela and pet dog lifestyle challenge  

Pat pledges to get more active and eat more healthily

Since starting this challenge, I have improved my emotional wellbeing as well as making some changes to my diet and activity levels. I have lost 12lb. My energy levels are up, I am sleeping better and my clothes are fitting much better!

I am now in a place where I have started running using the NHS Couch to 5K app with a plan in place to run a 10K run in the autumn in memory of my daughter.

Pat's journey is inspiring; check out the couch to 5k web link.You might be inspired too! 

Pat Grieve head shot (1)

Katie’s Story

Katie decided to sign up for the lifestyle challenge to lose weight, eat more healthily and increase her energy levels. A key motivator for Katie was to get back into some of her old clothes which were pinching at the waist!

Katie says that she is now much more disciplined in her eating. She also walks more, aided by a pedometer which measures her steps and keeps her aware of being active. Since the start of January Katie has lost 4kg and has more energy.  She’s feeling good that she has not given up and gone for comfort eating despite having to deal with the stress of having a family member in hospital for sometime.

Anne's challenge

Over the past couple of years Anne steadily gained weight and stopped exercising as regularly as she used to.  She also felt she drank too much alcohol. Anne decided it was time to act, so she signed up for the Small Changes, Big Difference challenge.

So far Anne has made changes to her diet, cut out alcohol, and walks regularly. She has also tried the gym at her local leisure centre and has signed up to cycle with a group on Sundays.

Anne says," I have not drunk alcohol since 3rd Jan and I am not missing it.  I am sleeping better too. The changes to my diet have helped give me a weight loss of 9lb. The differences I have felt go beyond the weight and fitness. I am joining in more actvities, contacting friends and my self esteem has improved.

Kate pledges to walk more!  

Kate learned she walked just 3,000 steps a day during her usual working day. To get a benefit in terms of fitness and weight loss, her aim was to walk over 15,000 a few times a week. She is also running short distances twice a week and eating these healthy lunches. Keep it up Kate!  

healthy lunch

Scottish Borders Council staff add their pledges

On 21 January, around 20 SBC staff visiting the restaurant pledged to make small changes to improve their health and wellbeing. The giant pledge board will stay up on the wall if you wish add your pledge. If you pledged, you can tag yourself our social media pages on Twitter and Facebook.  

NHS Borders staff make their pledge

On 14 January, more than 50 staff members pledged a small change to improve their health and well being. The giant pledge board in the BGH dining room is still available if you wish to join and add your pledge. If you pledged, you can tag yourself our social media pages on Twitter and Facebook.  

Staff pledges BGH dining room Jan 15

NHS Borders lifestyle challenge

Getting off to great start in 2015 are the 10 staff who signed up for the NHS Borders Lifestyle Challenge. All ten are are keen to make a small change in their lifestyle to make a big difference to their health and wellbeing, but need some support to do it.  

Lifestyle Challenge participants 2015

Participants can access our Lifestyle Adviser Support Service (LASS) for ‘one to one’ support over 12 weeks; get a pedometer; a free pass to the Borders Sport and Leisure Trust (BSLT) for swimming, exercise classes and the gym for 12 weeks; and seek support from BSLT staff to find the activities most suited to them.

In return, we will be following them along their 12 week journey and sharing their stories on our website and our social media campaign pages on Twitter and Facebook. The Borders Sport and Leisure Trust will be sharing these stories too.