Visit your local pharmacy

Your local pharmacy can help with repeat prescriptions and offer advice on minor illnesses like coughs, colds, sore throats, diarrhoea or constipation, indigestion, and aches and pains. They can also help with common conditions like urinary tract infections (UTIs) and impetigo.

Using Scotland's Service Directory, you can find information on pharmacies near you.

Minor Ailments Service (MAS)

Did you know the public are able to drop into the pharmacy of their choice to get expert advice or information on healthcare and help with medicines. This would be the first port of call for the treatment of common illnesses such as coughs and colds, indigestion and aches and pains. This service is available to all patients who are registered with a G.P. You can get a full explanation of who is entitled to this service by visiting our pharmacy web pages on this site.

MAS care provides for presentation, assessment and treatment of your symptoms. Your Community Pharmacist gathers information and determines the cause and severity of your symptoms. This will help distinguish between common illness and major disease and decide on the most appropriate form of action.  

Your pharmacist can provide advice, treatment or a referral to another health care professional according to your needs. If treatment is required, this will be in line with national and local NHS prescribing policy. Your pharmacist will assess the need for follow up to check for the condition improving or worsening.

In some instances the only course of action required is to provide advice and reassurance to you. This may also include aspects of healthy lifestyle advice.

So, a quick, simple and convenient way to access health advice, brought to you by NHS Borders.