Corporate Induction
All new doctors in training should attend the NHS Borders corporate induction. In addition, if you have not attended an induction (or FY1 Shadowing Week) within the last 12 months, you should also attend.
On day 1, all new doctors should report to the HR department at 8.00am for Medical Staffing and Occupational Health checks. All forms issued with the administrative packs e-mailed and/or posted out to you should be completed prior to your arrival and brought with you. A check will be made of your GMC registration.
ID badges are issued to trainees on day 1 of induction. If you have not sent a photograph in advance, you will need to arrange a time to go to the Administration Office on the first floor of the BGH where a security photograph will be taken. Your ID badge will be ready to collect later in the day as agreed. Your ID badge also allows you swipe card access to the Education Centre including the eLearning Suite and Library.
EXEMPTIONS - you are exempt from attending corporate induction if you have just come off or are going on to nights. You need to confirm this with our Medical Staffing, HR department and arrange to complete Induction before going to the ward. Contact Medical Staffing tel: 01896 826167. Induction consists of a series of presentations or workshops from 09.00am to 11.30am. At 11.30am you should report to your ward for your Unit Induction.