Stop Smoking Services
The aim of the smoking cessation support service is to provide extended access through the NHS, including the provision of advice and smoking cessation products, in order to help smokers successfully stop smoking as part of the Public Health Service (PHS) element of the community pharmacy contract.
Further information on the PHS element can be found at:
PCA circulars
Community Pharmacy Public Health Service Smoking Cessation Service – revised service specification PCA(P)(2017)7
Smoking Cessation service delivery during COVID-19 PCA(P)(2020)9
East Region Formulary – nicotine dependence
Formulary | East Region Formulary (
Community Pharmacy Scotland website - Public Health Services
An NHS Education for Scotland (NES) e-Learning pack is available to all community pharmacy contractors and their support staff to help implement the service. The pack can be accessed via TURAS Learn.
In addition to the NES training, NHS Health Scotland has a Virtual Learning Environment, that includes the following modules: health behaviour change and advice on stopping smoking.
Smoking Cessation Support Assessment Tool for Pharmacy Care Record
The Pharmacy Care Record user guide and details of the smoking cessation assessment tool can be found here.
Smoking Cessation - What's New in PCR version 16.1.9
NHS Borders Wellbeing Service Quit Your Way contact details
Support a Smoke-free Generation by 2034
Sign up to Scotland’s Charter to support a smoke free generation by 2034!
Scotland has a goal of creating a tobacco-free generation by 2034, meaning by 2034 less than 5% of adults will smoke. By supporting Scotland’s Charter for a tobacco-free generation, your pharmacy can help achieve this goal and improve health and wellbeing of the people and communities you work with.
Endorsing the Charter is free and a great way to help improve people's wellbeing. It shows your pharmacy's commitment to creating healthier communities.
Once you have registered, your pharmacy will be proudly displayed on a list of supporters. ASH Scotland will send you a welcome pack, telling you about ways to get involved with the Charter, resources and support available to help realise your pledges.