Borders Pharmacy Application Process


Pharmacy Applications 2024

NHS Borders Community Pharmacy Applications Timeline as at February 2024

Borders Pharmacy - Tweedbank Application


New Pharmacy Applications 

The NHS (Pharmaceutical Service) (Scotland) Regulations 2009 (as amended in 2011 and 2014) outline the process which Health Boards must follow should an individual or company (subject to the conditions set out in the Medicines Act) wish to provide NHS pharmaceutical services in the local NHS Board area.  Through this process, the potential applicant is applying to join the Health Board’s Pharmaceutical List. 

The potential applicant will register their interest in providing pharmaceutical services to the Health Board, this then triggers the start of the New Pharmacy Application Process. A summary of the process is below. 

Pre-application Stage
Following the applicant noting their interest with the Health Board in the potential provision of pharmaceutical services, the Health Board and the applicant with hold a ‘Pre-Application Meeting’. This meeting is a discussion between the Health Board and the potential applicant covering the neighbourhood in which the proposed premises will be located, the intended opening hours and the pharmaceutical services to be provided. The meeting will help the applicant decide on whether to proceed with the application. 

Joint Public Consultation Process
If the applicant wishes to proceed following the Pre-Application Meeting, the next step is a Joint Public Consultation. The aim of the consultation is to invite views on pharmacy services where the applicant wishes to provide, existing gaps in current services, impact on existing services and measuring the level of support for the proposed application. The consultation will run for 90 working days. Responses to the consultation will be collated into a Consultation Analysis Report (CAR). 

Formal Application
Following the Joint Public Consultation, if they wish to proceed, the applicant will submit a formal application. Following this, a further consultation lasting 30 days is undertaken by the Health Board with existing pharmacy contractors in the local area who are invited to comment on the application. 

Following this, the formal application is considered by the Pharmacy Practices Committee (PPC).  The PCC is given a copy of the application, the CAR and the output of the consultation with existing pharmacy contractor to consider. The PPC will apply the statutory test: 

‘An application shall be granted if the Board is satisfied that the provision of pharmaceutical services at the premises is necessary or desirable in order to secure adequate provision of pharmaceutical services in the neighbourhood in which the premises are located.’ (Regulation 5(10)).

The application will be granted if the PCC are satisfied that the application meets the statutory test