Hepatitis C Prescribing and Dispensing

NHS Borders in partnership with its community pharmacies supports treatment for patients with Hepatitis C. Prescriptions are sent from the secondary care team at the Borders General Hospital to community pharmacy for dispensing.

National Treatment guidelines are prepared by Health Improvement Scotland and are available here https://hpspubsrepo.blob.core.windows.net/hps-website/nss/1862/documents/1_national-clinical-guidelines-treatment-hepatitis-c-in-adults-june-2018.pdf

Key Issues

a) Ordering Stock

Stock for the various products is available as follows


Order Form



Maviret Order Form 



Roche Ribavirin Order Form 



Zepatier Order Form 


Cayston, Epclusa, Harvoni, Solvadi and Vosevi

Alcura Order Form 


b) Advance Payment

To support contractors with prompt payment for supplying Hepatitis C medicines, NHS Borders is content with giving a payment advance for the cost of the medicines.

To request an advance payment please contact communitypharmacyteam@borders.scot.nhs.uk for a discussion.

c) Claim for providing the service

Payment for the service is to be claimed using the monthly community pharmacy excel claim form.