Frequently Asked Questions

- Is it secure?
Near Me video consultations are secure; the users privacy is protected. The user has their own private video room that only authorised clinicians can enter. - How much does a video call cost the service user?
The video call is free (except for internet usage). - How much internet data will it use?
Service users don’t use any data while waiting for a clinician to join them. A video consultation uses less than half of the data expended while watching a YouTube video in High Definition. (About 230 MB on a mobile device, and 450 MB on a PC for a 20 minute call, which is similar to a Skype or FaceTime call.) Data use is less on lower-speed internet connections, or if using a less powerful computer, tablet, or smartphone. These factors can also reduce the overall quality of the call. Data use increases when there are more than two participants in the call. - What do I do if something is not working?
Download the trouble shooting guide or visit the resource centre for more information.