Area Covered:
Hawick and surrounding area including Ashkirk, Ancrum, Chesters, Linhope & Buccleuch
Staff List:
Dr Kevin Buchan (GP)
Dr Robin Michie (GP)
Dr Lynn Buchan (GP)
Dr Ross Johnstone (GP)
Dr Nicola Lowdon (GP)
Making an appointment:
01450 372276
Appointments may be made by calling at Reception or by phoning 372276 during working hours. Routine appointments are scheduled at ten-minute intervals.
If you feel that your condition is such that you are unable to wait for a suggested routine appointment and need more urgent attention you will be offered a same day appointment to come and sit and wait to be seen by a GP.
Please note that the Community Nursing staff and Health Visitors have their own direct telephone numbers as follows:
Community Nurses: 01450 371763
Health Visitors: 01450 376845
Out of hours:
If you require to phone The Mairches Medical Practice out of hours regarding an urgent medical problem, a recorded message will give you a phone number to call NHS24. You may call NHS24 directly on 111. You will be put through to an experienced NHS24 Nurse, who can arrange for you to be seen by a doctor at your local out-of-hours centre or, if it is appropriate, in your own home. The nurse may also be able to provide you with advice which will help you to look after yourself at home when appropriate, without having to refer you to anyone else.
Home visits:
Housebound patients who require a visit should please telephone the surgery before 10:30 if possible. The duty GP may telephone back to discuss the visit request.
Repeat prescriptions:
Repeat prescriptions can be obtained without an appointment if your doctor provides a drug re-order form attached to your prescription. If you need your prescription renewed, please bring the form to reception before 11:00 if possible, and allow two full working days for the request to be processed. Repeat prescriptions are sent to the Pharmacy of your choice.For reasons of patient safety we cannot accept Prescription requests over the telephone.
Clearly it is in everyone's interest to air a problem and to resolve it as quickly as possible. If you have a complaint or a concern about the attention you have received from a doctor or any of the practice staff please do let us know. Alternatively you may prefer to discuss your concerns informally and in private with Kat Lowrie, Practice Manager. Suggestions to improve our service to patients are always welcome.
Clinics List
Asthma/Chronic Lung Disease
Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular reviews
Cervical Cytology
Child Health Surveillance
Diabetic reviews
Elderly Screening
Family Planning Advice
Foreign Travel Information (more than 6 weeks out)
Infant Immunisations
Maternity Care
For more information see the Practice Leaflet
With the introduction of GDPR on 25 May 2018, patients may be interested in the following documents regarding our Privacy Notice and Fair Processing Notice:
Privacy Notice For Patients
Practice Fair Processing
Data Protection Policy
Subject Access Request Form