Our team undertakes around 950 births per year, comprising of both low risk midwife led care and specialist Consultant led care as required. There are also 3 Midwife Assisted Birth Practioners on the Unit who have undertaken further training to carry out forcep or ventouse (suction cap) deliveries if required.

There are 5 delivery rooms, one of which has a birthing pool. Birthing mats, balls, Tens machines and Entonox (Gas & Air) are available for use while in labour.

The Labour Ward is located on the 2nd floor with security entrance buzzer system.


Labour Room1

Labour Room 2

 Labour Delivery Rooms

Birthing Pool 1Birthing Pool 2


Eildon Room

The Eildon Room is a quiet room with ensuite facilities for women and their families in special situations.

Eildon Room