Pain Relief in Labour 

Your midwife can discuss your birth plan and pain relief options at any stage of your labour. Pros and cons of each option can be discussed if you are unsure.

Non-drug pain relief

  • Relaxation and breathing techniques can help to calm you and cope with the pain without being overwhelmed.
  • TENS machine. Often most helpful at the beginning of your labour.
  • Complementary therapies – many of our midwives are trained to use aromatherapies in labour, we have a supply of oils to choose from.
  • Birthing pool - The buoyancy of the water makes you feel lighter and enables you to get into more comfortable positions keeping you more upright, this gives the advantage of working with gravity as your labour progresses.

Entonox (Gas and Air)

  • Is safe to use throughout labour and there’s no danger of having too much. It leaves your body quickly and won’t stop you using other pain relief.

Diamorphine (Opioid drugs)

  • Diamorphine and other opioid drugs are usually given as an injection into a big muscle, such as your buttock or the top of your leg.
  • It takes around 15 minutes to work and lasts between 2-4 hours.
  • It can make you feel sick so we often give you an anti-sickness medication at the same time.
  • Can make your baby sleepy and less interested in feeding in the first 24, especially if given close to the time of birth


  • An epidural is the most effective form of pain relief available.
  • A needle is used to place a small tube in your back, medicines are put through the tube into the area around your spinal nerves (the epidural space). This blocks the feeling of pain in your lower body, but you can still feel someone or something touching you and the pressure as your baby’s being born.
  • Can be used for caesarean section or forceps delivery by topping it up with stronger medication
  • Can make you more likely to need an assisted delivery with forceps or ventouse as it can make pushing more difficult.

More detailed information can be found on NHS Inform

Pain relief in labour | Ready Steady Baby! (