In the majority of pregnancies, labour commences on its own between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. It is sometimes considered a safer option for Mum or Baby, or both, to try to artificially start labour – this process is known as “induction of labour”.
In NHS Borders around (insert % here) of women are induced, for many different reasons. One of these reasons may be that you are past your due date, this is usually offered around 41+3-41+5 for all low risk pregnancies. As there is evidence to suggest that the placenta stops working as effectively and it is recommended that baby born.
Your midwife or doctor will discuss all options with you, before any decision is made. This will include the method of induction procedure, the care that will be provided and any risks associated with these options, to you or baby.
Other reasons that the doctor may suggest induction of labour include:
- If you have high blood pressure
- If your waters have broken and there is no sign of you going into labour
- If you have diabetes, and baby’s growth is increased
- If your baby’s growth has slowed down, and there is concern around this