Cancer Information and Support Service - Telephone - 01896 826835
- Claire Irvine, CISS Manager
- Kirsty Smith, CISS Manager
- Vikki Gray, Assistant Practitioner, Cancer Services
The CISS has been developed as a joint venture between Macmillan Cancer Support and NHS Borders, to ensure anyone affected by cancer in the Borders has access to good quality and appropriate information and support.
What is offered:
- Information on all aspects of living with cancer and its treatments
- A confidential support service for patients, family members and worried well
- Relaxation techniques, anxiety management, coping strategies
- Referral to complementary therapies
- Links to local and national organisations and support groups
- A relaxing space
Working hours are 0900 to 1700, Monday to Thursday and 0900 to 1200, Friday.
It is best to call for an appointment as CISS Staff often work outwith the Hospital setting.
For further information or an appointment please contact CISS Managers on 01896 826835 or email
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