Coping with transitions and change can be difficult for Autistic people, whether that’s small daily transitions like moving from one activity to another or big life changes like leaving school.
You can learn more about how Autistic people may experience change by checking out the Social Imagination module in the Learn About Autism section and the NHS Education Scotland animation linked from the Professionals section.
Transition to adult life
The Scottish Transitions Forum has information and advice about this major life transition, including information about planning for transition, and your rights as an Autistic young person or parent carer. Principles of Good Transitions 3 is the major framework that outlines best practice in supporting transition, and includes an Autism Supplement.
The Learning Disability Service has a resource pack for parent carers supporting a young person into adult life. The focus is on young people with a learning disability, however, some information will be relevant to Autistic young people without a learning disability.
The Scottish Borders Employment Support Service can help young Autistic people to gain the skills and confidence to move from education into independent working.
Other resources
National Autistic Society Tips for preparing for change and key life transitions
Indiana Resource Center for Autism Has an informative article on supporting Autistic people who are Coping with Grief and Loss in relation to bereavement or divorce.
Check out the Professionals section for more information and resources that may be helpful to you.