Assessment of Need
If you have a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum condition, you have a right to request an assessment of need from Social Work services. If you need a lot of support to manage your day to day life, you may be eligible for some formal support. Find your local Social Work office, and contact them to make the request.
Borders Independent Advocacy Service can support you in your interactions with Health, Social Care or benefits agencies. They can help you to have your opinions heard and respected, and have your rights met.
Autism-friendly resources to help you find and maintain employment can be found at Asdinfowales and National Autistic Society
Scottish Borders Council Employment Support Service can support you if you need additional help to find and sustain paid work
Check out the Employers section of the Professionals page for information that might be useful to help employers to understand and respond appropriately to your needs.
Scottish Borders Mental Health Services Integrated Care Pathway has details of a range of local services that may be able to offer support with your social, mental and emotional wellbeing. Many of the services at Tier 1, 2 and 2/3 are available to Autistic people on a self-referral basis.
Local Area Coordinators can support you to access social and leisure opportunities. Contact to find out more
Useful Websites
Asdinfowales has some useful resources for Autistic adults, including a Guide for adults following diagnosis which contains tips and advice for everyday life. (Page 66 onwards of the guide has information that is specific to Wales, which can be ignored!)
National Autistic Society Scotland has information about many aspects of adult life including managing your money, dealing with the criminal justice system and getting older.
Autism Network Scotland is a hub of reliable and impartial information for individuals and professionals.
Check out the Professionals section for more information and resources that may be helpful to you.