I am new to the area. How do I get my hearing aids serviced?

If you have previously been issued with hearing aids by another department in the UK we require a new referral from your GP to access our services. We can then request your previous audiology notes from your original provider if necessary.

Can I get a hearing aid that just sits into my ear?

NHS Borders do not provide In The Ear style hearing aids unless there is a medical reason preventing you from wearing a Behind The Ear device.

I've lost my hearing aid. What do I do?

Your hearing aids are valuable medical devices and remain the property of NHS Borders. If you lose a hearing aid you should report its loss to the department and you will be advised of the next steps.

How often should I get my hearing/aid  checked?

We currently advise patients to service their hearing aids every 4 - 6 months either by making an appointment to be seen in the department or by accessing the RNID community clinics.  We do not routinely reassess your hearing, instead we will see you as required. If you feel that your hearing has changed and this has not been improved by hearing aid service please contact the department for hearing consultation. We will not automatically call you back for servicing or reassessment. It is your responsibility to contact us as required.

Can I apply for a National Entitlement Card for free bus travel?

You are entitled to free bus travel if you are profoundly or severely deaf. This is defined as a bilateral hearing loss greater than or equal to 70dBHLs averaged over 1, 2 and 4KHz. You can request a letter confirming this from your audiologist. If you have been deaf since birth, a letter from your GP confirming this is fine too.

For more information: https://www.transport.gov.scot/concessionary-travel/60plus-or-disabled/#37403