Borders Engagement Group

Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF) have been funded by Scottish Government to develop regional
living experience engagement groups which are a safe space for those with living
experience to express their views . Groups generally meet weekly and are facilitated by
members of the SDF living experience engagement staff team and local partner agencies
who are interested in supporting groups with co-facilitation. Staff involved in facilitating
groups all have lived experience.

Groups are fully independent of existing structures but can help inform other local
reference or planning groups through providing representatives or feedback. SDF’s role will
be to support and foster groups' independence. As groups become established, group
members are offered training and development in order to be able to facilitate groups

What Happens at the Group?

Each group decides the agenda for weekly meetings to ensure they have a safe space to
discuss the issues affecting them, and their needs and opinions. From already established
groups, the kind of topics that have been discussed are:

  • Local drug trends and specific harms
  • Experiences of accessing Medication Assisted Treatment
  • Facilitators and barriers for accessing drug and alcohol support
  • Pathways to accessing additional support e.g. mental health

People who attend the groups are offered access to training on areas like naloxone,
medication assisted treatment and harm reduction. The group is a safe place where all views are gathered anonymously.

Borders Engagement Group meet every Wednesday 2 - 4pm at the Langlee Community Centre, Marigold Drive, Galashiels TD1 2LP, tea, coffee and lunch are provided.

Living Experience Engagement Group FAQ

Borders Engagement Group Poster

Contact Steven for any further information on 07741855517