Useful Telephone Numbers

There are a number of sites that you may be based in whilst on placement across Mental Health, Learning Desabiltiies and Supported Living.  Here are some useful telephone numbers:-  

  • Physiotherapy Office, Cauldshiels, Borders General Hospital, Melrose, TD6 9BS telephone 01896 827253
  • CIC, 1 Station Court, Duns.   01361 884733         
  • Galavale House.   01896 664 433
  • East Brig.  01896 664 422
  • Huntlyburn Gym.  01896 827182
  • Rehab. Team. 01896 664 424
  • Learning Disability team office. 01896 840200


Wear comfortable clothing appropriate to your working day, for example, polo shirt and trousers with only discreet logos or university physiotherapy student uniform. In LD we do not wear uniform, but in some aspects of mental health we do.  No shorts or jeans are acceptable.  Bare midriffs/shoulders/low necklines and Jewellery are unacceptable due to personal safety risks. 

You may be required to go in the pool for hydrotherapy or recreational swimming.  You are required to bring your own costume which should be appropriate for your work role.

Lunch/ Breaks

For all areas of the placement, it is best to bring a packed lunch, as meal break is half an hour and we are not always near a shop or canteen facility.  

Pre-placement information and recommended reading list

  1. “Understanding Behaviour in Dementia that Challenges” – a guide to assessment and treatment by Ian Andrew James
  2. Promoting Mobility for people with Dementia by Rosemary Oddy
  3. Allied health professionals Delivering integrated Dementia Care: Living well with community support.  Alzheimer Scotland 2014;  ISBN 978-0—949997-75-7
  4.  Allied health professionals Delivering Post Diagnostic Support: Living Well With Dementia. Alzheimer Scotland 2014; ISBN 978-0-948907-74-0
  5. and Here you will find information on NHS Borders, AHP services, travel, maps, and what to see and do in the Scottish Borders
  6. Severe and Complex Neurological Disability- management of the physical condition by Pauline Pope (Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier) chapters 1, 6, 10
  7. National Institute for Clinical Excellence- quick reference guide for Schizophrenia March 2009 (only 16 pages)
  8. Be aware of the provisions of the Scottish legislation relating to the Mental Health Act and Adults with Incapacity Act and Adult Support and Protection Act
  9. Look at the Alzheimer Scotland website which is packed with lots of useful information about living well with dementia
  10. “Playlists for life”- on the internet