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Primary 1 Transition

School For Website


A child moving from nursery to primary 1 is such an exciting time. We thought we would share with you some activities that would help establish foundation skills from which further development in primary one can build on.

Many of the activities and skills that will be suggested may be things that you and your child are already doing and therefore it is hoped that the information that we provide is good for reassurance. For some it may be a useful guide of some fun and developmentally appropriate activities to try.

Functional skills such as dressing, using cutlery, going to the toilet, drawing/pre-writing are useful skills to practice as well as movement skills such as gross motor and fine motor activities.

There is certainly no pressure or expectation as teachers will be aware that some children will be more able than others when they go to school and will of course assist and encourage your child where necessary. It is however useful for teachers if children are given the opportunity and encouragement to practice some everyday skills prior to entering primary 1.

There is no need to think about reading and writing letters and numbers as this will be taught at the appropriate stage. The skills that are most important at a pre-school stage are those that provide the ‘building blocks’ or ‘foundations’ for academic learning, and those that encourage more independence with functional tasks.


Getting Ready For School

Preparing For Primary 1 JPG

Download our Getting Ready for School parent and carer pack here.

Developing Dressing Skills JPG

This pack covers the topics of:


  • What is normal development – age 3, 4, and 5
  • Tips for developing dressing skills
  • Fine motor skills
  • Pre-writing skills – including pre-handwriting worksheets
  • Using cutlery
  • Ball skills
  • Developing scissor skillsFine Motor Skills JPG
  • Gross motor skills
  • Deep pressure techniques
  • Getting ready for school sticker chart



How else can you can help your child?

Pre Writing Skills             Hand Strengthening

Developing Grasps


Fine Motor Control 
 Gross Motor Skills

 Developing Dressing Skills


 Buttons Zips




Bottom Wiping




Zones of Regulation