During January 2025 NHS Borders launched a largescale engagement exercise across all staff and Borders communities. These conversations were set up in order to get feedback on what NHS Borders means to our staff and public, what they value about our services and where there are opportunities for improvement.
We would like to extend a massive thank you for your incredible response to our recent engagement roadshow. We have been pleasantly surprised by the thoughtfulness, candidness, and depth of ideas that you have put forward. It has been heartwarming to see just how special the relationship is between NHS Borders and the community within the Borders.
This engagement supports the development of the Future Direction of NHS Borders and informs our new Organisational Strategy for the next five years.
The development of this strategy will provide us with the following opportunities:
- To reconnect with our staff & public
- To understand what is important to them
- To link this back to our staff’s purpose
- To provide a clear vision of where we are going, and how this links to NHS Borders values
- To provide the blueprint for our five year plan
Our aim throughout this engagement phase was to ensure that our staff and members of our communities had the opportunity to share their thoughts and shape the future direction of the organisation. We captured views by asking five questions which people could answer on a digital or paper form, and in person.
The Strategy Taskforce undertook a total of 51 engagement sessions, across a variety of locations, including:
- GP Practices
- Community Hospitals
- Wards and Team Meetings
- Community Hubs
- Supermarkets
- Libraries
- Leisure Centres
- Swimming Pools
- Rotary Club Meetings
We are excited to share some initial emerging themes from the responses, which you can view here.
Please do take the time to review this summary and if you have anything to feedback on please feel free to reach out by emailing bor.strategy@borders.scot.nhs.uk and let us know your thoughts.