24 February 2025

We are pleased to advise that arrangements have now been confirmed for the continued operation of services based at the Knoll Hospital site in Duns.

Due to the presence of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in some parts of the buildings on the Knoll site that require remedial action, work has been underway for the past three weeks to identify and safely move patients, staff and services to alternative, suitable accommodation.

Some services have been moved to non-RAAC affected areas at the Knoll and from today (Monday 24 February) will continue to be provided safely on the Knoll site. These services are:

  • GP services: Duns Medical Group and Merse Medical Practice
  • Health Board Reception
  • Treatment Room
  • Community Midwives
  • Baby and Pre-School Vaccination
  • Acute Paediatrics
  • Children and Young People’s Orthotics, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech & Language Therapy

All patients have been contacted directly regarding the revised arrangements.

If you are attending an appointment on the Knoll site you may be required to enter the building via a different entrance, away from the areas affected by RAAC. Clear signposting is in place and members of staff will also be on hand to point you in the right direction.

If the service you are attending has been temporarily relocated to a different location you will have been advised of that directly. Although it remains a personal responsibility to make your own way to your appointments, if a change to location impacts on your ability to attend please get in touch using the contact details in your appointment letter.

Further information including frequently asked questions and patient transport information can be found on the NHS Borders website: https://www.nhsborders.scot.nhs.uk/patients-and-visitors/knoll-hospital-(raac)/

We would once again like to thank patients, their families, our staff, the two GP Practices, our partners and the community of Duns and the surrounding areas for their support, cooperation and understanding throughout this process.