24 June 2024

We are delighted to welcome our newest cohort of GP Fellows to NHS Borders.

The GP Fellowship is an exciting and innovative new scheme to attract recently qualified GPs to the region. The GP Fellowship is being offered to all ‘FirstFive’ GPs to help them kick-start their careers. 

Starting your career can be a daunting prospect, particularly if you are not sure where you want to be. Our GP Fellowship is a brilliant way for recently qualified GPs to consolidate and develop the necessary skills and confidence needed for General Practice in a supportive environment. 

The four new Fellows will have opportunities to work in Primary Care and the Out of Hours service alongside dedicated time for pursuing personal clinical interests of the GP themselves – all in a beautiful setting. They will work in a host practice developing both general and specific skills relevant to General Practice work. This will include all duties normally carried out in practice, including the opportunity to attend practice meetings, helping to gain further understanding of general practice as a business.  

The scheme is being coordinated by Dr Tommy Galliano, himself a recently qualified GP who is now living and working in the Borders.

Dr Tommy Galliano said: "Moving to the Scottish Borders to work as a GP has been a fabulous decision for me and my family. I'm excited that four more GPs are also joining me on this journey and I look forward to welcoming many more in the future!"

Dr Tim Young, a retired GP Partner from Peebles and now Associate Medical Director for NHS Borders expressed his support, saying: “I want to offer a huge welcome to the new GP Fellows joining us at NHS Borders. Your experience and perspectives will be invaluable to us as a health board and to the local community. We hope that we can offer you a great experience at the start of your careers, and that you enjoy everything the beautiful Borders has to offer.”

Applications re-open in early 2025, however, if you are a recently qualified GP interested in the fellowship, there is some scope for taking on applicants before then. Please contact tommy.galliano@nhs.scot with notes of interest and we can discuss the best route forward. 

You can find more information about this innovative scheme here: www.nhsborders.scot.nhs.uk/gp-fellowship 

 GP Fellows