4 July 2024

We are calling everyone living in the Borders to help us safely dispose of unwanted or expired medicines.

There are a few straightforward steps you can take to play your part:

  • Recycle any outer cardboard packaging at home
  • Put empty foil blister packs in your general waste bin
  • Bring unwanted or expired medicines which are still in their containers to your local pharmacy

Cathryn Park, Deputy Director of Pharmacy, said: “It would be a huge help to our pharmacists, waste disposal colleagues, the health board, and the planet if you put cardboard and paper packaging in your recycling bin at home before returning medication.

“If you come across medicines at home that have expired or are no longer needed, it is a great time to consider why these have built up. Please remember to only order what you need. This will help to reduce pharmaceutical waste, save both time and money as well as help us all to be more environmentally friendly.”