17 December 2024

Looking after your mental health over the festive period can feel difficult for many reasons. It’s important to remember there is support available if you need it.

There are things you can do over the festive period to help with your mental wellbeing:

  • Say ‘no’ to some things if you need to – a lot of socialising can be overwhelming and your energy levels may be different in the winter
  • Make sure you are staying connected to others
  • Keep doing regular physical activity, preferably outdoors in the daylight
  • Plan some self-care activities that are good for your wellbeing and that protect your mental health. You can use the Ways to be well guide to think about what you might like to do

If you have experienced a bereavement Christmas can be really hard. If you feel like you need some additional support you can contact Cruse on 0808 808 1677 or by email. Click here to find their opening times over the festive period.

If you are experiencing money worries, NHS Borders Money Worries App contains a digital directory with information about support services available locally in the Scottish Borders and nationally. There is also useful information on a variety of issues ranging from advice on energy saving and debt; to more urgent help with emotional distress and social care services. The app can be downloaded on the App Store or the Google Play Store.

Dr Rebecca Devine, NHS Borders Public Health Consultant said: “ The festive period can be really challenging for our mental health with more socialising and routines being disrupted.

“There is plenty of support out there if you are struggling. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to those around you or support services if you need to.”

If you are feeling suicidal or suspect that someone you know is considering suicide, it’s important to know that help is available. Get in touch with:

  • Your GP for support (check opening hours around the Christmas period)
  • Samaritans on 116 123 (24 hours)
  • Breathing Space on 0800 83 85 87 (lines open 24 hours at weekends and 6pm to 2am on weekdays)
  • NHS 24 Mental Health Hub - Call 111
  • Papyrus (Prevention of Young Suicide) HOPELINE 0800 068 4141

If someone is at immediate risk of suicide call 999 to get help and support to them quickly.

For more information about looking after your mental health and suicide prevention resources visit the Creating Hope website - https://www.nhsborders.scot.nhs.uk/creating-hope/