27 March 2023

This week is your final opportunity to tell the Scottish Borders Health and Social Care Partnership what you think of our Strategic Framework 2023-2026. We want to know your thoughts and hear your ideas about the Framework and how you and your community can get involved in implementing it.

The Framework is based on what the people of the Scottish Borders have told us matters to them and sets out how we will transform, commission, and provide health and social care services over the next three years to best support the people of the Borders to live their lives to the full. 

The Framework has been developed by

  • Engaging with and listening to our communities to understand their needs, which have been published in the 'We have listened report'
  • Understanding the public health needs of our population which have been published in the 'Needs of Our Communities / Joint Needs Assessment report' 
  • Reviewing our performance against the national health and wellbeing outcomes
  • Considering the social determinants of health
  • Considering our current and future challenges

You can find the 'We have Listened report', the ‘Needs of our Communities report’, and the draft Strategic Framework including easy read versions by following this link to the reports section of our website.

Please tell us what you think by clicking here, emailing public.involvement@borders.scot.nhs.uk or calling 0800 7314052. When calling please leave a voicemail with your name and number and somebody will get back to you. The deadline for providing feedback is 31 March 2023.

We look forward to hearing from you.