27 February 2023
The Scottish Borders Joint Health Improvement Team and NHS Borders are working in partnership with the GPs at Kelso Health Centre to promote the activities and services that support wellbeing in the local community.
As part of this project, a Community Wellness Fayre is set to be held at the Tait Hall in Kelso on Saturday 4 March from 12 – 3pm.
The event, which is being hosted by Kelso Medical Practice, is part of a wider project involving NHS Borders and GPs in Kelso – who are working together to highlight the positive health benefits of looking after your wellbeing, in addition to promoting the opportunities and support services that are available to people.
Several local groups and services will have stalls at the fayre to give people the opportunity to discuss what they can do to get involved in activities that can improve their wellbeing. You can sign up for the event here.
Attendees will also include the Kelso GPs recently featured as ‘Wellbeing Warriors’ in a local initiative which saw the town striving to become the ‘wellbeing capital’ of Scotland.
Dr Kate Flowers at the Kelso Medical Group Practice said: “It is extremely exciting to be moving the focus away from disease and illness, and instead be recognising the importance of promoting health and wellness.
“Healthy eating, adding movement to our day, social connection - all these things lead to healthier and happier lives. The Wellness Fayre is a celebration of this and is a wonderful opportunity for the people of Kelso to better their own health through connecting with local projects and services.”
Fiona Doig, Head of the Health Improvement Team at NHS Borders said: “We are delighted to be supporting the practice in reaching out to the local community to help them discover more ways to support their wellbeing. We need more of a focus on preventing ill health and there are lots of things people can access in the community to become more active and strengthen their social connections - both of which are very important for protecting both mental and physical health.”