28 May 2021

This year Dementia Awareness Week, which runs from 31 May – 6 June 2021, is focusing on the theme of ‘Hidden voices, Hidden impact, Hidden cost' and encouraging everyone to reflect on the impact that Covid has had on the dementia community.

There are currently over 90,000 people in Scotland living with a dementia diagnosis, so it’s likely that dementia has touched your life - you might have been diagnosed with dementia yourself or have a loved one, friend or neighbour who is living with the condition.

During Dementia Awareness Week, thanks to Alzheimer Scotland, people living with dementia and their carers can book a visit to Beirhope Alpacas in Hownam, Kelso for a walk around the paddocks where they can enjoy some fresh air and stunning scenery.

Lyndsay Hornigold, Alzheimer Scotland’s Volunteer Coordinator, said, “Lockdown has had such a significant impact on people with dementia and their carers so we wanted to give Borders’ folks a chance to do something different that will make them smile and hopefully meeting, feeding and petting the alpacas will do just that. We really appreciate Lynne from Beirhope Alpacas for making this possible and hope those who come along over the week enjoy themselves”.

Christine Proudfoot, Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Nurse Consultant at NHS Borders, said: “Dementia Awareness Week is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of dementia in the Borders. This includes those that are worried about their memory, those seeking a diagnosis and those looking to access support. Increasing awareness and education around dementia is especially important after the challenges we have faced during the pandemic.

“It remains so important we all continue to do our part to support people living with dementia and their carers so that they can live well. This year, a simple pledge of support during Dementia Awareness Week can make all the difference.

“Dementia is everyone’s business; from the town you live in to our wider Borders’ community.”

For more information visit Dementia Awareness Week.

For more information about local support available in the Borders contact Alzheimer Scotland Borders on 01573400324 or e-mail borders@alzscot.org