29 June 2021
We continue to see approximately 48 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 a day in the Borders with this highly transmissible virus spreading quickly through our communities.
Consultant in Public Health, Chris Allan, said: “The number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the Borders remains high and over the past few days people have presented to our hospitals requiring care for Covid-19.
“Please remember the relaxed restrictions that come with Borders being in Covid-19 protection level one, means that there are more opportunities to pass or catch Covid-19. So it is crucial that we all consider the risks and benefits that come with our decisions.
“Whenever possible make safer choices for example meet outdoors and try to limit the number of people who you are socialising with. It remains important that everyone continues to stick to the rules and follow the FACTS. As cases of Covid-19 rise, there will be more people having to self-isolate either due to testing positive themselves or being a contact of a positive case. You must self-isolate if advised to by Test & Protect, even if you have not received a positive test result. There is practical and emotional support available to help people who have to self-isolate through the Community Assistance Hubs on 0300 100 1800.
“Lastly we know that the vaccine is safe and has a positive impact on hospital admissions, reducing transmission and the severity of illness. So please protect yourself and your loved ones by coming forward to get vaccinated when it is your turn, including when it is time for your second dose to ensure that you have greater protection against Covid-19.”
There is a drop-in clinic this Saturday (3 July) at the Borders Events Centre, Springwood Park in Kelso from 9:30am – 4:30pm.
This clinic will be an AstraZeneca and Pfizer clinic for the following groups:
- If you are 18 or over and have not had your first vaccination you can turn up without an appointment to get vaccinated.
- You can also turn up if you had your first dose before 9 May, even if you have an appointment for your second dose.
You cannot choose which vaccination you are given. You will receive the vaccination that is appropriate for your age and circumstances in line with the advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI). Everyone under 40 years of age will receive the Pfizer vaccine in the Borders.
If you need assistance with transport please call Scottish Borders Council on 0300 100 1800.
Up to date information about our vaccination programme is available on our website: www.nhsborders.scot.nhs.uk/patients-and-visitors/covid-19-vaccination-programme/
Testing Information
Anyone with any COVID-19 symptoms, should book a PCR test and they, and anyone they live with, should self-isolate immediately.
Anyone in your household without symptoms, who has not been told they are a contact of someone with COVID-19, can get tested for COVID-19 by getting a home test kit via:
- Collecting LFD tests from the local Borders walk-through test site, which is operated by the UK Government's Department of Health and Social Care, at Langlee Community Centre in Galashiels between 3:30pm and 8pm.
- Collecting LFD tests from local pharmacies which are participating in this programme.
- Ordering LFD tests to be delivered to your home by calling 119 or ordering online.
- Attending one of the test sites which are operating as part of the Community Testing Programme.
It is essential that the results of self-tests, both negative and positive, are uploaded to the national portal as soon as possible after the result is available.