12 July 2021
Over 87,500 people have now received their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine in the Borders. In addition, over 68,000 people have had their second vaccination.
This week we are running Drop-in clinics for those aged 18 years or over who:
• Have not had their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccination
• Had their first vaccination dose 8 weeks+ ago
The following clinics will be open 9:30am – 1pm and 1:45pm – 5:30pm:
Monday 12 July
- Volunteer Hall, Galashiels
Tuesday 13 July
- Volunteer Hall, Galashiels
- Hawick Town Hall
- Eyemouth Community Centre
Wednesday 14 July
- Hawick Town Hall
- Eyemouth Community Centre
- Borders Events Centre, Kelso
Thursday 15 July
- Hawick Town Hall
- Eyemouth Community Centre
Friday 16 July
- Volunteer Hall, Galashiels
- Hawick Town Hall
Saturday 17 July
- Borders Events Centre, Kelso
Sunday 18 July
- Borders Events Centre, Kelso
You don’t need an appointment to get vaccinated and you can attend even if you already have an appointment scheduled for your first or second dose.
Vaccinations will be administered subject to availability and patients with scheduled appointments will be prioritised. Those without appointments will be seen as quickly as possible, however please be patient if you have to wait.
Please note:
- You cannot choose which vaccination you are given. You will receive the vaccination that is appropriate for your age and circumstances in line with the advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI). Everyone under 40 years of age will receive the Pfizer vaccine in the Borders.
- We are unable to administer a second dose until 8 weeks following a first dose.
Nicky Berry, Director of Operations said: “We know that the vaccine is safe and has a positive impact on hospital admissions, reducing transmission and the severity of illness. We also know that Covid-19 can affect people of any age, so please protect yourself and your loved ones by coming forward to get vaccinated. This also includes coming forward when it is time for your second dose to ensure that you have greater protection against Covid-19.”
Local resident John Ballantyne, who is 25, said: “I got the vaccine to help protect myself and my loved ones and to play my part in helping us all move out of this pandemic and back to a more normal life. Getting vaccinated was quick and easy and I would encourage anyone who can to come forward.”