6 August 2021
For the time being visiting Restrictions across NHS Borders will remain at Covid-19 protection level 1.
From Monday 9 August Scotland will move beyond level 0 and hospitals will begin planning how they can safely and gradually open up to full person-centred care again. However this will be a careful process which ensures that the necessary infection prevention and control measures are in place such as physical distancing.
At the moment there are still significant pressures on our hospitals, primary and community services in the Borders. As a result of this we have taken the difficult decision to continue to maintain level 1 visiting restrictions at our sites. We will regularly review this decision as we take a phased approach to move towards full person-centred visiting by adapting our policies accordingly as soon as we feel it is safe and appropriate to do so.
Sarah Horan, Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals, said: “We appreciate the positive impact that support from loved ones can have on our patients’ wellbeing and recovery, so the decision to extend the current visiting restrictions that are in place was not taken lightly. However we feel this is necessary to keep our patients, staff and visitors as safe as possible during these challenging times.
“At present we have a compassionate, flexible and reasonable approach to visiting which ensures that every patient in one of our hospitals can benefit from support and contact with at least one named person of their choosing. This increases to two named people for each patient whenever possible, for example in the ward environments which have enough space to allow additional visitors to physically distance from other patients and visitors.
“When in our buildings visitors are able to provide vital support to their loved one including close contact such as hand holding. Although we would remind visitors that it is important they continue to physically distance in communal areas, wear face coverings and frequently wash their hands when entering and leaving clinical areas.
“We would also strongly encourage visitors to carry out a rapid Lateral Flow Device (LFD) Covid-19 Test before coming to see their loved one. These tests are quick and easy to do, and can be obtained from your local pharmacy, by calling 119, visiting one of our community testing sites or ordering online via NHS Inform.
“Visiting will continue to be by appointment only and visitors should contact the ward to arrange a time to visit. Anyone with questions about visiting arrangements should speak or call the nurse in charge of the ward.
“We would like to take this opportunity to thank the people of the Borders again for their understanding and cooperation.”
Further visiting information is on our website.