16 November 2015

The public can now make comments on how children and young people in the Borders can have the best start in life.

Scottish Borders Council (SBC) has launched a consultation on its Integrated Children and Young People’s Plan (ICYPP) which aims to set the strategic direction of service delivery to create opportunities and conditions for children and young people.

The development of this plan has been underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) legislation and a range of national policies such as Curriculum for Excellence and ‘Getting it Right For Every Child’ (GIRFEC).

It builds on previous work carried out alongside other partner organisations, while the plan has been developed by the Children and Young People’s Leadership Group made up of officers from SBC, NHS Borders, Police Scotland, Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration and the third sector.

SBC’s Children and Young People’s Champion, Councillor Iain Gilliespie, said: “The Scottish Borders is a safe and healthy place to live but data indicates that there are a number of areas and key groups where significant inequalities exist and where there is a negative impact on children and young people.

“In developing this plan, our aim is to ensure that all children and young people can achieve their potential regardless of their background and the theme of reducing inequalities is central to supporting our aim of improving the wellbeing of all our children, young people and families.”

To comment on the consultation, visit www.scotborders.gov.uk/consultations. The consultation closes on 6 January 2016.