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Child Flu Help Beat Flu With A Wee Scoosh 1 1

It’s not too late to get your flu vaccination!

The flu vaccine is available to eligible citizens until Monday 31st March. Please call the vaccination hub on 01896 809 250 to book your appointment.


Child flu vaccine | NHS inform

NHS Borders is urging parents and carers to ensure their child is protected against flu this winter.  It’s as easy as a wee scoosh up the nose.  

The vaccine will be offered to all school-aged pupils, all children aged 2-5 not yet in school and children aged 6 months to 2 years old with a condition that puts them at increased risk of flu. Home-educated young people and young people not attending mainstream education are also eligible.

The flu vaccine is offered as a painless nasal spray to almost all children. It cannot give the child flu but starts to provide protection against flu within 10-14 days. The nasal spray offers the best possible protection for children and young people and can also stop flu spreading to family, friends and others, especially those most at risk of becoming seriously ill with flu. Children aged 2 to 5 are being offered vaccination from the start of the programme to ensure they receive the earliest protection and prevent the virus spreading.  

Appointment letters for children 6 months to 2 years at risk and those aged 2 to 5 not yet in school started arriving in homes from this week (19 August) with details of where and when the vaccine will be given.

Parents and carers should call the number on their child’s letter if their child has missed their appointment or needs to reschedule. 

Consent forms and further information will be sent home to parents and carers of school children on return to school. Secondary pupils can self-consent but are encouraged to speak to a parent or carer first. All primary and secondary school pupils with consent to be given the flu vaccine nasal spray will receive this at school starting in early September through to December 2024.

Dr Sohail Bhatti, Director of Public Health at NHS Borders, said: “The flu virus changes every year, that’s why it’s important to get an annual vaccination so that your child has the most up to date protection. Getting your child vaccinated against flu can also protect them from other infections with bacteria that can follow flu and prevent them from getting sick and missing out on nursery, school or other activities.

“Please look out for your child’s appointment letter by post or a consent form in their school bag. Be sure to complete and return the consent form to their school to ensure they get the vital protection this year’s flu vaccine offers.”

Nasal flu clinics start week commencing 16 September.


Adult flu vaccination

Winter 2024/25 vaccination appointments

If you are eligible for vaccination in our adult Winter vaccination programme, you will be sent information via letter, text or email about your appointment or how to book one. Please wait to be contacted. 

If the time or day you’ve been given isn’t convenient, this can be rearranged by clicking on the following link rearrange your appointment or by calling 0800 030 8013.


Covid-19 and flu vaccines are being prioritised from September-December and NHS Scotland has contacted those who are eligible for vaccination.

If you are eligible for the flu vaccine and Covid-19, you will be offered both vaccines at your appointment.

The groups below are eligible for Flu and Covid-19 vaccination:

  • aged 65 and over
  • aged 18 to 64 with an eligible health condition
  • pregnant
  • living in a long-stay residential care home or other long-stay care facility
  • work in a care home for older adults
  • living with someone who has a weakened immune system
  • a frontline health or social care worker
  • a non-frontline NHS worker (flu only)
  • a poultry worker
  • an asylum seeker living in a home office hotel or B&B accommodation
  • experiencing homelessness or substance misuse
  • living in a Scottish prison

If you have any queries regarding your eligibility for this year's winter programme, please contact NHS  Borders vaccination hub on 01896 809 250.

Please visit the following links to find out more information on the 2024/25 winter vaccination programmes

Covid-19 vaccination programme

Frequently asked questions - winter vaccines

Winter vaccines | NHS inform

JCVI advises on eligible groups for autumn COVID-19 vaccination - GOV.UK (

Request support with interpretation, or get help with travelling to your appointment

Clinics will start from the week commencing 30 September 2024.