Ways to Be Well Planner

The Ways to Be Well Planner (PDF) can be downloaded, edited and printed or saved so that you have your own personal wellbeing planner.

Staying Well Action Plan

The Staying Well Action Plan (PDF) was developed by people with lived experience with support from the Scottish Borders' Community Mental Health Team. It is a recovery focused plan approach to support people in maintaining positive mental health and wellbeing. It can be printed out and used to help you take control of your own self-care.


Togetherall is an online peer support community. It also has many online self-help resources including practical wellbeing tools and courses that you can access for free at any time. Available for residents of the Scottish Borders aged 16+

NHS Inform

NHS Inform has an excellent selection of self-help resources for mental wellbeing. It includes advice on dealing with low mood, anxiety, phobias and stress. You can also access free courses that are designed by clinical experts - these are supported by the Scottish Government and the NHS. The courses are SilverCloud (for mental wellbeing), Daylight (for anxiety) and Sleepio (for poor sleep and insomnia)

Self-Harm Network Scotland

Self-Harm Network Scotland is hosted by Penumbra and has excellent resources for people who self-harm as well as for people supporting someone who self-harms and for professionals. 

Safety Planning

There are several 'Safety Plan' tools and templates for managing suicidal thoughts. We recommend the Samaritans safety planning resources and the Papyrus HopeLink Safety Plan which is more aimed at people under the age of 35.  

Debrief service - support for supporters

PAPYRUS’s suicide prevention helpline, HOPELINE247, is not only there to support young people who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, or those concerned for them. It’s also there for any professional who has had an experience with suicide and would like to talk it through with a trained professional. They work directly with first responders, doctors, nurses, police, counsellors, teachers, pastoral staff and more, on their helpline, HOPELINE247. Find out more HERE