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Mentally healthy and suicide safer communities in the Borders

We are working together to make sure that there are resources for you to help yourself and to help other people you care about. 

Ways to Be Well is our Scottish Borders resource packed full of ideas, tips and useful signposts to support that will help you to keep mentally healthy. You can use this to help you keep mentally well or if you're in recovery.

Self-help resources - there are lots of self-help resources out there and we're building up a library of our favourites to help you navigate your way through.

Time Space and Compassion - you can use these three simple principles to help anyone who is in distress. By giving someone time to talk about what is troubling them, a safe space to have a supportive conversation and treating them with compassion you really could help to save a life.

Be Suicide ALERT - suicide prevention is everyone's business and you can find resources to help you support someone here.

Support after a suicide - information about support for people bereaved by suicide.

Support Services - You can also find out more about the support services that are available.

Join our social movement - Ask for Hope

Many groups and organisations in the Scottish Borders are working towards becoming more mentally healthy and suicide safer communities and skilling themselves up. We'd love for your group or orgainsation to join our social movement and sign up to our Creating Hope Awards scheme. You can find out more HERE

Borders Care Voice were the first organisation to achieve the Creating Hope Award - the photo shows Lynsay and Jenny receiving their award from the Public Health Team and colleagues at NHS24 Breathing Space.