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The Mental Health Improvement and Suicide Prevention programme in the Scottish Borders is hosted by the NHS Borders Public Health Team, which runs the Creating Hope Awards scheme scheme. There is a multi-agency partnership group which oversees the programme that includes NHS Borders, Scottish Borders Council, Borders College, Police Scotland, Live Borders, Berwickshire Housing Association, Eildon Housing Association, SBHA and Third Sector organisations such as Samaritans, Borders Care Voice, Health in Mind and We Are With You. The Mental Health and Wellbeing Forum and the After A Suicide Working Group both play an important role in guiding our work with their voices of Lived Experience.

Creating Hope in the Scottish Borders: Mental Health Improvement and Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2022-25

Following engagement with local stakeholders and communities, the action plan for Mental Health Improvement and Suicide Prevention was published after being agreed by the Health and Social Care Partnership in 2023. The action plan takes its title ‘Creating Hope in the Scottish Borders’ from the national suicide prevention strategy and sets out four key programme areas:

Programme 1: Promoting mental health and wellbeing

Programme 2: Preventing suicide and self-harm

Programme 3: Reducing mental health inequalities

Programme 4: Improving the lives of people experiencing and recovering from mental ill health

You can download our action plan by clicking HERE (PDF)