From time to time, concerns do need to be escalated by staff if these are not being resolved at a local level. There is a three-stage process for whistleblowing, developed by the Independent Whistleblowing Officer (INWO), which applies across Scotland. It is set out in the National Whistleblowing Standards. The policy and process focuses on:

  • helping staff raise concerns as early as possible, and
  • support and protection for staff when they raise concerns.

 To help staff, NHS Borders has also developed a NHSB Raising Whistleblowing Concerns - Guide for Staff (2024), as well as a Whistleblowing Flowchart.

NHS Borders operates an approach where employees act as Confidential Contacts. The purpose of the Confidential Contact is to help people to judge whether their issue is just personal to them (and might constitute a grievance) or of interest to the wider general public. They support people and help them to navigate the recommended whistleblowing approach.

Under the Whistleblowing Standards the aim is to respond to Stage 2 concerns fully within 20 working days.  Our experience to date is that investigations take longer than this to conclude.

To help you recognise what to expect during the investigation of your concern we have defined the key steps in the investigation process.


Stage 1 under the Standards

 Stage 1 of the process involves little or no investigation. The response will usually be a straightforward solution to the problem. You should get a response within five working days with an explanation of the outcome, and limited action might be taken in response to the issue you raised. You should also get details of how to raise your concern to stage 2 if you are unhappy with the response.

Stage 1 isn't appropriate for serious concerns or concerns that need detailed investigation.

Stage 2 under the Standards

Stage 2 concerns are usually about serious risks or complex issues that need investigation. You can ask for your concern to be looked at under stage 2 if you think a full investigation is needed.

Whoever is handling your concern will acknowledge it within three working days and respond to you in twenty working days. If the investigation is complex and is taking longer, they may need to extend the timescale.

An independent senior manager will investigate your concern. You will get a written response and action may be taken on the back of your concern. The response should tell you how you can raise your concern to the INWO if you are unhappy with how it has been handled.