The Scottish Borders Learning Disability Service is made up of health and social care services.
We keep personal information about people we provide services to.

The government made a law to protect your personal information.
This means we must keep your personal information safe.

Personal information includes your:
- name
- address
- phone number
- date of birth
- family information

Other information can include:
- health information
- who you live with
- what is important to you
- your money and how you manage your money

We use your personal information to:
- understand your support needs
- give you advice and information
- arrange services to meet your needs

Sometimes we have to share your personal information with other people.
For example:
- If you get support from an organisation we need to give them information about you.

Other people we may share your personal information with are:
- doctors
- nurses
- local area co-ordinators
- hospital staff
- ambulance staff
- social workers
- teachers
- voluntary services
- support providers

Sometimes we will have to share information about you if the Law tells us to.

We keep your information safe in computers and paper files.

We keep your information for 75 years when we close your case.
We keep your information for 5 years after you die.

You can ask to see your information.
You can ask the data protection officers at Scottish Borders Council or NHS Borders.

To find out more you can read our privacy notice on the Scottish Borders Council website.

If you are not happy about the way we look after your information you can speak to the data protection officers.
You can talk to the Information Commissioner in Edinburgh.
Useful contact details

Scottish Borders Council data protection officer:
0300 100 1800
Data Protection Officer,
Information Management Team,
Scottish Borders Council,
Newtown St Boswells,

NHS Borders data protection officer: DPO@borders.scot.nhs.uk
Data Protection Officer,
Information Governance team,
Kelso Hospital,

Information Commissioner
Telephone: 0131 244 9001
email: scotland@ico.org.uk
Look at this website:
or email: casework@ico.org.uk