The information we publish under this class includes:


How to access it/details of any charges

Human Resources



Current policies


Human resources policies which are currently in use including recruitment, discipline and grievance, standard of business conduct, stress, whistleblowing, volunteering, working time and policies for our staff, single equality scheme





Information about our key priorities including the staff governance action plan




Information about our staffing establishment is published by the Information Services Division of NHS National Services Scotland (ISD). 

Please note that NHS Borders is not responsible for the content of this website.


Employee relations

Information about partnership arrangements and facilities agreements in place including area partnership forums, HR forums and staff development groups


Equality and Diversity at NHS Borders

Annual report


Staff interests

Gifts and hospitality



Working with us


Jobs at NHS Borders

Our current vacancies can be found on the NHS Scotland Recruitment website*

* This is an external website NHS Borders is not responsible for the content of this site.

Information Resources



Records management

Information on records management including codes of practice, records management plan, health records policy, administrative records policy, and the removal of data from vacated properties policy.


Information assurance and management


Information on using, protecting and the fair processing of another person’s personal information and also information security, including the information assurance strategy,  information governance standards, information asset registers, IG toolkit, fair processing notice, data protection principles, Caldicott guardian principles, and how to submit subject access requests.

Code of Conduct - /media/878869/2021-08-18-information-governance-code-of-conduct-version-24_1.pdf

IT Security Policy – /media/878870/2021-08-18-it-security-policy-v2-4.pdf  

Data Protection Policy – /media/878871/2021-08-25-nhs-borders-data-protection-policy.pdf

Access to Records Policy – /media/155428/subject-access-request-policy.pdf

Caldicott Principles -

Freedom of Information

Information about the freedom of information policy and how to submit a request


Knowledge management

Information on the knowledge interaction implementation group including a list of projects being carried out and contact details for further information.

Information on knowledge information strategy in the NHS is published by NHS Education for Scotland (NES).  Please note that NHS Borders is not responsible for the content of this site.


Health information is published by the Information Services Division of NHS National Services Scotland (ISD).

You can find statistical  information here on cancer, child health, deaths, dental care, drugs and alcohol misuse, emergency care, equality and diversity, eye care, finance, general  practice, health and social care, health conditions, heart diseases, hospital care, maternity and births, mental health, prescribing and medicines, public health, quality indicators, healthcare audits, sexual health, stroke and waiting times. 

Please note that NHS Borders is not responsible for the content of this site.

Physical Resources



Property or rental

Property management information is published including

  • Property and Asset Management Strategy which details the property owned and occupied by NHS Borders
  • Fire policy and procedures and annual fire safety  report which detail compliance and management of fire safety
  • Sustainability policy and annual report setting out objectives and actions on sustainability

PFI contracts

Initial agreements, outline business cases and full business cases are published in line with Scottish Capital Investment Manual guidance.

Property & Asset Management Strategy (Full) - /media/523369/pams-2017.pdf

Property & Asset Management Strategy (Key Issues) - pams-201819-light-v0-6-3-.pdf (

Property Assets (October 2020)