What is Integration?
Integration of Health and Social Care is the Scottish Government’s legislation-led initiative to have a health and social care partnership for each of the 14 NHS Board Areas in Scotland by April 2016.
We are working with Scottish Borders Council and voluntary and independent care partners to put in place simple joint working arrangements with the aim of providing better, more joined up adult health and social care services in the Borders. Watch Sam's Story created by the King's Fund which explains what Health and Social Care Integration means.
Why do we have to do this?
Health and Social Care Integration in underpinned by the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 which was granted royal assent on 1 April 2014. The Act outlines processes that must be considered and taken forward by Health Boards and Local Authorities in partnership with health and social care professionals, the third sector, users, carers and other key stakeholders.
Scottish Borders Council and NHS Borders have recently recruited three Locality Co-ordinators who will spend the next 18 months planning, supporting and contributing to the delivery of Health and Social Care Integration in the Scottish Borders.
They will focus on:
- Developing locality plans;
- Redesigning locality based health and social care services;
- Improving co-ordination and access to services for service users and their families
For up to date information on Health and Social Care Integration please see the Borders Integration page.
Integrated Joint Board meeting minutes can be viewed here.
IJB Audit Committee meeting papers can be viewed here.
IJB Annual Accounts can be viewed under the "Scottish Borders Health and Social Care Partnership" heading here.